American Heroes

American Heroes
My son in Iraq, the one in the middle - I am so proud of him!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Item # 9 - Done!

This time I used bloglines search feature to search for RSS feeds I might be interested in. It worked great also. I found one called "Hip Librarians' Book Blog" and subcribed. It's pretty cool - talks about books read. Not sure I fall into the category of "hip librarian", but nevertheless, I like to read about the books. I was also able to subcribe easily to feeds for my favorite news channel, and for the presidential candidate I'm looking at. All in all, this was a pretty easy process both ways. Now I'm on to Item # 10.

1 comment:

Kristy T. said...

whoa, you are on a roll!
I'm seriously slacking now!
I thought we were going to follow up the rear for the web 2.0 stuff.

I guess I'll have to light the burners and try to catch up!