American Heroes

American Heroes
My son in Iraq, the one in the middle - I am so proud of him!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Addendum to Item #11

It took me quite awhile to post my Library Thing book titles. I kept getting errors. My blog would not accept the code I pasted in. After much frustration, and a hint from a co-worker, I realized that I had to upgrade or customize my blog so that I could add page elements. Now that I have figured that out, things are progressing smoothly - at least for awhile. I am done for the day & will tackle Item #12 in a few days. Have a good weekend all.

Item #11 - Library Thing

I am posting some titles by my favorite authors (some of them at least). I found Library Thing all right, and I guess it would be fun to know and communicate with others that like to read similar books. It is a good way to come up with some titles that you are unfamiliar with, but that have the "feel" you like. As a librarian, I can see how this might be very useful. On a personal level, however, my to read list is already so long that I'll never get to the end of it. I will conclude that Library Thing might be a good Reader's Advisory tool.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Item #10 - Text & Image Generators

Here goes -- - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

It did work. I have to say, I found a lot of these image generators difficult to follow. This one was kind of neat. The link for this site is: Can't say I really enjoyed this exercise, and probably won't be pursuing it on a personal level. Life's too busy.

I tried the link, and although it says "error", go ahead and click on the "Continue" button and the site will appear.

Let's see - ??

Want to Get Sorted?
I'm a Hufflepuff! Cool! Now I see how you use the html code to post generators, etc. Here at Canfield we used a site to "sort" ourselves per Harry Potter. Click on the first sentence to go there. I am a Hufflepuff. Is that good or bad? Hate to admit it, but I have only read the first 3 books - and that was enough. I don't remember who was a Hufflepuff. Now that I think I have this figured out, will tackle #10 with the text and image generator.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Item # 9 - Done!

This time I used bloglines search feature to search for RSS feeds I might be interested in. It worked great also. I found one called "Hip Librarians' Book Blog" and subcribed. It's pretty cool - talks about books read. Not sure I fall into the category of "hip librarian", but nevertheless, I like to read about the books. I was also able to subcribe easily to feeds for my favorite news channel, and for the presidential candidate I'm looking at. All in all, this was a pretty easy process both ways. Now I'm on to Item # 10.