American Heroes

American Heroes
My son in Iraq, the one in the middle - I am so proud of him!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Item #8 - Bloglines

I found this very easy to set up an account. I chose some topics that seemed in the ballpark for automatic subscription. Then I used the "Easy Button" - added it to my favorites, and subscribed to the feed of an embedded writer / freelance reported with my son's unit in Iraq. It worked perfectly. How cool! I'm a fan. The automatic subscription contained some librarian and book related sites. Will go to the net and see if I can subcribe to some others that are interesting as well. Whoops! My 45 minutes is up!

1 comment:

Barb M said...

Hi Kathy, Glad I found your blog. It's great that you're able to keep in touch with your son.