American Heroes

American Heroes
My son in Iraq, the one in the middle - I am so proud of him!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Item #14 - Technorati & Tags

Again, it has been awhile! I just can't get a long period of time to knock this out. I thought a Fall color would be nice for the text. OK - so to Technorati. I looked it over for some time. I searched the posts, the tags, & the directory for "Learning 2.0". The different results (in quantity) were huge. As librarians, this is nothing we have not seen before in a different arena. Then I tried searching the keyword "Iraq". Ugh!!! There are some really nasty people out there. When you have someone in the military, opposition is one thing, ugliness is another. So I went smaller. I zeroed in on specific areas in Iraq, and then actually found some factual and enlightening blogs. Actual information is a good thing. Then, I tried my son's military title & actually found a blog post by an embedded reporter about him. It was heartening - no raving, no name-calling. As for claiming my own blog, I decided against it. I really don't think I have written anything the cyber world wants to read. I see how tags are added. You can add the html code through your own post, or do it through Technorati. I have to say, that this topic alone could be explored for a very long time. I may come back to this - maybe not. One puzzling thing, when I did a search for "PLYMC 2.0", some of our library postings were there, others not. None were really current that I could see. I'm not sure why these show - that would take more thought and exploration than I want to do right now. If anyone reads this & knows why, let me know! Thanks!

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